vers. 15 Feb 2024 - beta

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4/16/2024 6:11 AM  KG7FMN

4/16/2024 6:09 AM  LB0OG
You have worked Liberia. Just reached 167 countries!

4/16/2024 5:56 AM  IU8BPS
You have worked Martinique. Just reached 143 countries!

4/16/2024 5:54 AM  BH1AYY
You have worked Georgia. Just reached 50 countries!

4/16/2024 5:53 AM  K5COR
You have worked Norway. Just reached 72 countries!

4/16/2024 5:48 AM  n8xym

4/16/2024 5:47 AM  EA4HQV

4/16/2024 5:38 AM  oe6jve

4/16/2024 5:37 AM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to UN7ZH

4/16/2024 5:19 AM  G0YCE

4/16/2024 5:16 AM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to 9A24WARD

4/16/2024 5:15 AM  ik4pkl

4/16/2024 5:13 AM  GW6CZE
You have worked Honduras. Just reached 169 countries!

4/16/2024 4:56 AM  KG7FMN

4/16/2024 4:42 AM  IK7NCQ
You have worked Honduras. Just reached 183 countries!

4/16/2024 4:38 AM  PA4CC
You have worked Jamaica. Just reached 257 countries!

4/16/2024 4:31 AM  kc6rzw
Work Qso Parties

4/16/2024 4:27 AM  n8xym

4/16/2024 4:19 AM  HB9FGO
You have worked Honduras. Just reached 181 countries!

4/16/2024 4:17 AM  oe6jve

4/16/2024 4:15 AM  BH8VRO
You have worked Mariana Islands. Just reached 145 countries!

4/16/2024 3:59 AM  IU3NPG
You have worked Martinique. Just reached 157 countries!

4/16/2024 3:59 AM  IU3NPG
You have worked Martinique. Just reached 157 countries!

4/16/2024 3:42 AM  KG7FMN

4/16/2024 3:16 AM  KB9IKY
You have worked Seychelles. Just reached 183 countries!

4/16/2024 3:16 AM  KR0ES

4/16/2024 3:15 AM  oe6jve

4/16/2024 3:11 AM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to BI4OAE

4/16/2024 3:10 AM  n8xym

4/16/2024 2:57 AM  4K6AG
You have worked Cuba. Just reached 110 countries!

4/16/2024 2:50 AM  K9BAW
You have worked Montserrat. Just reached 166 countries!

4/16/2024 2:49 AM  VA3LMI
You have worked Liberia. Just reached 132 countries!

4/16/2024 2:40 AM  KG7FMN

4/16/2024 2:14 AM  KR0ES

4/16/2024 2:08 AM  n8xym

4/16/2024 2:07 AM  NA6MB
You have worked Nauru. Just reached 172 countries!

4/16/2024 2:05 AM  oe6jve

4/16/2024 2:04 AM  W4AI
You have worked Bonaire. Just reached 129 countries!

4/16/2024 2:00 AM  KC7AC
You have worked Antigua & Barbuda. Just reached 107 countries!

4/16/2024 2:00 AM  KC7AC
You have worked Antigua & Barbuda. Just reached 107 countries!

4/16/2024 1:52 AM  K5KLO
You have worked Bonaire. Just reached 101 countries!

4/16/2024 1:52 AM  N1RIP
You have worked Bonaire. Just reached 132 countries!

4/16/2024 1:49 AM  KJ5CGW
You have worked Nauru. Just reached 60 countries!

4/16/2024 1:34 AM  KC5LTG
You have worked Antigua & Barbuda. Just reached 108 countries!

4/16/2024 1:32 AM  VA7XFM
You have worked Antigua & Barbuda. Just reached 91 countries!

4/16/2024 1:29 AM  K1PCN
You have worked Guam. Just reached 144 countries!

4/16/2024 1:21 AM  KG7FMN

4/16/2024 1:10 AM  CE3SOC
You have worked Bonaire. Just reached 210 countries!

4/16/2024 1:10 AM  CE3SOC
You have worked Bonaire. Just reached 210 countries!

4/16/2024 1:10 AM  PU1JQY
You have worked Nepal. Just reached 169 countries!

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Welcome to UN7ZH
LB0OG: You have worked Liberia. Just reached 167 countries!


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